Halloween Patron Raffle / Witch Calendars / Doll / Art / Taschen / Merm Deck coupon!

Happy Mabon from The Goddess and the Greenman
Mabon/Autumn Equinox September 21st-22nd when Night and day are again of equal length and in perfect equilibrium - Also with Half and half dark and light moon.

Excited for the upcoming Samhain / Halloween season!
Tune in and celebrate this Wednesday Sept 30th 6pm Live on damedarcy instagram to reveal the raffle winner for the month of October! https://www.patreon.com/damedarcy
All patrons received a hand signed 2021 Witch Calendar, now available to everyone for the holiday season!

Any lucky patron $1 and up can win this Haunted Doll painting ! Valued at the same amount as the total of the patron prize treasure chest.
We’re now at 1K a month and all proceeds go towards Meat Cake Manor haunted house hotel artist retreat and Goddess Reparations witchcraft center with Mermaid Spa.

When Meat Cake Manor opens any patron of any tier will be able to win a free week end get away!
The value of current paintings available to win match whats in the treasure chest each month.
When the total reaches the goal patrons will be eligible to Vote on and win fine art from the Southern Gothic series. Now seen in the Etsy gallery. https://etsy.me/2G49sBy

Speaking of art galleries...
The Meat Cake Manor doll house is finished, and now the dolls are running their own gallery! https://etsy.me/2G9ugat

All mini framed paintings, And dolls Are currently available, any left will go to higher tier patrons as prizes!

Here they can be seen sewing more dolls, while reading tarot and crystal ball scrying in the Meat Cake Manor Isabelle French Budiour and spooky Seance Room.

Current patrons who want anything specific, please contact me directly through Pateron messenger and ill hold it for you for next months prize. ️
Were really close to making this dream a reality! And only $500 away from our goal.
Thanks for your continued support dear long time Patrons and hey new September Patrons ! Welcome to the Patron Family !
️Sarah Innis
️Eliza Masteran
️Kim Davis
️Brandi Palmer
️Laris Kreslins
️Irene Catherine Weiss
️Tammy Pennington
️Magdaliz Alavarez
️Red Poterack
️Lorlei Warmack
Thanks for upping your support
️Claire S
And welcome back
️Izzy Strazabasco
So excited and proud to announce Mermaid Tarot Gold Edition is included in a new tarot Taschen book The Library of Esoterica which made Tachen’s best sellers list worldwide! ⭐️We are so honored.
This book will be available on @damedarcy etsy soon!

Until then Mermaid Tarot Gold Edition new inventory is in and available ⭐️https://etsy.me/3j5i3SA and now the number one tarot deck on Etsy Bestsellers list !!! ⭐️ And we’re also now celebrating over 9000 sales on our shop!
Paying it forward to you with a new coupon code starting now, September 28th through October 12th use MERLOVE for %20 off of all mermaid tarot in stock.
Both Gold Edition and Muslin bag apply.
In addition, When you favorite an item in the store you automatically get 10% off with the coupon code SEAGULL . It applies to everything in the shop!
Couldn’t have done it without your marketing and graphic design skills @pleasantart ! ⭐️ Love you all so very much ️️️🥰️Dame Darcy
special thanks to Coney Island Mermaid Queen 2019 Pearls Daily for modeling