Black Friday Sale / Patron Raffle/ Mermaid Tarot Tuck Box/ More!
2021 Witch Calendar ⭐️

Black Friday Sale !
To celebrate the new Mermaid Tarot tuck box on Etsy
For 24 hours only on Black Friday Nov 27th
All things mermaid are 50% off! With coupon code BLACKFRI
Yes! Classic Gold edition magnetic snap box, Mermaid flip box and mermaid dolls are all half off for this sale!

It was fun painting this pirate and mermaid watercolor live with you on instagram !
This is the #raffle prize all patrons eligible to win live on Sunday Nov. 29th at 6pm.
✨❤️✨ All new patrons will be entered into the raffle & Welcome to the Patron Family!
Welcome new patrons for the yuletide holiday season I’m cookin up lots of fun xmas prezzies for everyone💌📦🎁❤️ For #drawcember December patron prizes 💌🎁🎉
❤️Meaghan Murphy
❤️The Misfit Witch
❤️ Wendy Richmond
❤️ Barb Rose
❤️ Jocelyn Mackenzie
❤️Robert J. Mahaffey
❤️Miss Understood
❤️Thank you for upping your support Stacy Mc Blane Meyer and Paula Martens to the $50 tier!
Here’s some mini hand colored framed original oneofakind dollhouse illustrations for all $20 and up patrons that also come with a one of a kind winter solstice card, spells , face mask kitchen witch kit spell book zine to make spells with things easily found at your local grocery store and mermaid pillow dolls. Also now for sale on etsy.

Witchy Cat Tarot black and white pen and ink and color framed original illustrations are now available !
All proceeds go towards the printing of this new self published tarot deck.
Due out early spring 2021.
Until then, as a puuurfect token of thanks, the first 45 Witchy Cat Preorders will receive a free 3x 5 inch framed black and white pen and ink original illustration one of a kind art from witchy cat tarot deck.
Based on the classic Ryder Waite !
Love to all you cat lovers goth girls out there and the tarot community.
This deck has major witchy vibes and black cat magic ✨🌙✨
Dame Darcy