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New Gold Mermaid and Silver Alice Tarot with Box, Framed Art, Events & Awards

Hello Mermaid Tarot Friends and Lovers! We have a new Mermaid Tarot Box and cards with gold glided edges splashing your way around mid June this Summer Solstice! A new Queen Alice Tarot is also ready for printing and will soon be available for purchase, about a month after the Mermaid Tarot release.

The Dame Darcy Queen Alice Tarot Deck will come with silver gilded edges and detailing a box, a doll sized personalized instructional booklet with bonus little illustrations and quotes from the original book circa 1870's, by Lewis Carroll that gave me a life time of inspiration after I received it as a gift from my Grandparents at age 9.

More Framed Alice Art Available!

Watercolor Nine of Pentacles! 7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn and painted with glitter watercolor original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print. Please send me your print preference in convo, otherwise I'll choose for you and send. Thanks for your support. All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck!

Watercolor Ace of Cups! 7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn and painted with glitter watercolor original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print. Please send me your print preference in convo, otherwise I'll choose for you and send. All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck!

Black & White Nine of Cups!7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print. All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck!


Individual paintings are $700. each. But....

When you get both paintings, I'll send them to you with free shipping for only $1200. Because these paintings are on high quality foam core with a lightweight aluminum frame, they are lighter than they look so I can pass the savings on to you.

Painted with spray paint and acrylic with details in glitter, lacquer, paper cut outs and paper lace.

3 1x2 feet X 2 1/2 feet, framed ready to hang painting.

All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck. Payment plans are available. If interested please contact me at: and put Alice Large Paintings in subject line.

Hey comix friends! I'll be arriving in Montreal Canada for the Comic Arts Festival on Friday May 25th.

I'll have a signing table with my comic books and graphic novels with the rest of the booths outside on Saturday 5/26. This event goes from 9AM to 6PM. With a break in the middle where I do a self publishing lecture, Q&A, and read from my upcoming autobiography graphic novel Hi Jax & Hi Jinx.

On Sunday 5/27 at 3pm, I'll be signing books and answering questions in a panel discussion with 5 other ladies regarding Women's Representation in Comics.

Maya Gottfrield's book (Illustrated by yours truly) Vegan Love: Dating and Partnering for the Cruelty-Free Gal (Skyhorse) has won Silver in the Sexualty/Relationships category of the IPPY Awards.The awards honor the year's best independently published titles from around the world. To purchase a copy of Vegan Love please follow this link!Vegan LoveI'm going from Canada to NYC briefly for this awards event from Monday May 28th through May 30th , sorry I wont be in NYC long this time because I have to return to Savannah to do this awesome collaborative show with Quintron from Weather Warlock at Grave Face Records. Special Thanks to Ryan Quintron is touring and doing live performances but also including experimental and noise local weirdos from every city they play. I'll be playing singing saw and tambourine. Here's the info for the Savannah GA Grave Face event on June 1st 5 W. 40th St, Sav, GA 31401 Quintron: Guitar and Weather Synth Aaron Hill: (Eye Hate God) drums Gary Wrong: Guitar Kunal Prakash: GuitarI'll be playing singing saw and tambourine :) DD

Our Fan Favorite of the Month is Patreon Elaine Boyling! Here is her message: Hey Dame Darcy, Thank you so much for all the packages and also everything you have ever done!! ️️ it is bizarre how much you and your art have perpetually turned up at the perfect moments to make life brilliant... Ick! I don't want to imagine being a teenager without having you as a role model, swinging round a lamppost cackling... And then I started trying to make dolls.. Or when my music teacher and me got in a huge argument about whether or not Die Grizzly! Die! is a work of genius (it is). Then when I got a bunch of food sensitivities or whatever and it looked like I might have to live on kale and protein dust for the rest of my life and then MYSTERIOUSLY right then you put out the Faeiry food recipe book and pointed out I could live on cake. Cake! And other things. But cake! Or every so often I get miserable or lose perspective I'll be reading something you made on the bus and start snort-laughing about rabid goat tics... And then it is obvious that just making the world better and funnier bit by bit is good enough.... Cos everything you do makes me feel like making things too! Blah blah Thank you!! Meatcake electrifried my brain in the best way! Thank you so much!!!! My mother in law is doing much better now. Do you think there is another time to have the tea party tarot reading? love from Elaine! Thank you Elaine!

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